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The Chockaminds Team

Meet our Wellness coaches and workshop mentors

Callum Rowe (Director/Owner)

Callum moved to New Zealand from the UK in 2016. He has always been addicted to the outdoors, pushing the boundaries and getting the best out of every situation. Callum brings a creative yet realistic approach to the team with a focus on quality over quantity and a core desire to help others be the best they can be.

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Andy Timms (Director/Owner)

Andy is a kiwi originally from Christchurch and grew up skiing and snowboarding in the Queenstown Lakes area. Andy brings a business focused approach to the Chockaminds team and is responsible for implementing some of the wilder ideas of the team.

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Angela Hawkins
(Photography Educator/Co-Owner)

Angela has recently moved back to New Zealand from Australia. She has always had a passion for photography and educating others whilst honing in on that eye for detail, creativity and capturing through the lens what the eye may not see. She has over 15 years experience with a focus on creating a freedom felt, care free environment surrounded by like minded people. 

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